Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler



Empowering you to thrive after an autoimmune diagnosis with courageous success stories and expert tips and solutions.


  • Taking Charge of Life, Including Finding Love…

    31/12/2022 Duration: 52min

    Finding love and companionship is difficult enough; add an autoimmune, chronic disease, or disability to the mix, and it can make dating downright disappointing. That’s why, when I heard about the new app Dateability and the ‘brains-behind-it,’ I got them on the show immediately! The ‘brains’ are the amazing entrepreneurial duo (and sisters) Jacqueline and Alexa Child. These two inspiring women have turned Jacqueline’s sour experiences of finding companionship while dealing with disability and chronic illness into a new dating app called Dateability. It is designed for the disabled and chronically ill communities to have a safe and accepting space to develop meaningful connections. Even after years of discouraging ableist experiences on mainstream dating apps, I know you will find Jacqueline and Alexa as uplifting as I do. Join us as we chat about navigating friendship, love, and the entrepreneurial life, including their story of why this is their passion project, literally and figuratively.Just some of what

  • Easy Tips for Finally Getting Good Sleep with Dr. Jenny Tufenkian

    24/12/2022 Duration: 56min

    Sleep problems are not exclusive to those of us experiencing autoimmune. It’s estimated that around 70 million people in the US alone suffer from sleep disorders. So I don’t have to tell you that lack of sleep affects our overall well-being, including clear thinking, work performance, weight gain, and the part little to no sleep play in the development of many disorders and disease. In this episode, Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, a Naturopathic Physician and Functional Medicine Educator who teaches patients, students, and physicians to increase their understanding of complex chronic diseases, shares surprising causes of why we can’t sleep and how to solve them. For example: What to do if you’re great at falling asleep but can’t stay asleep,How lack of sleep creates havoc in the brain, including brain inflammation,How what you do when you first wake up will impact that night’s sleepWays to create simple, ‘sweet’ sleep routines that start way before bedtime, such as when you eat, light exposure, and overseeing your circa

  • Unraveling The Root Causes of Your Autoimmune Disease

    17/12/2022 Duration: 52min

    In my healing journey, I’ve discovered that it wasn’t just one thing that got me to my diagnosis, and it’s not one thing that will get me out. If your previous attempts at healing have only partially succeeded, or worse, failed, this week’s guest, Jessica Jimison, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder of Origins Collaborative Care PLLC, shares with us some reasons why. In our time together, which isn’t nearly enough, we talk about:• Could your body’s neural pathways to calmness, safety, and connection be dysregulated? • Are your Mast Cells reeling from unknown stressors part of the problem? • Tips for rewiring your nervous system and ways to keep the autonomic_nervous_system calm(er,)• How to make peace with your body in its current state and ways to improve, and so much more...More About Our Guest: Jessica Jimison, Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner and Co-Founder of Origins Collaborative Care PLLC, loves the blending of science and education that is being a nurse practitioner, working wi

  • How to Reignite Your Sense of Adventure and Create a Life You Love

    03/12/2022 Duration: 54min

    Today, we discover how to let go of what's no longer working and create the life we want with the help of Pamela Sylvan - The Mojomaker. Pamela is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, executive mentor, TV show host, and recent convert to the weekend nomad lifestyle. 
Pamela is the master of reinvention; from moving through the unknown: rejection, fear, near bankruptcy, and loneliness, Pamela has uncovered life-altering wisdom that made all the difference in her ability to thrive against the odds. She has turned her hard-earned wisdom into a prosperous business dedicated to helping women make their lives meaningful, engaged, and empowering regardless of where they start.Just some of what we share in our chat is• How to live from your core values and trust your inner voice,• Ways to strengthen your resilience, including during times of renewal, • Why it's important to celebrate your magnificence within,• Simple guidelines to develop your inner and outer adventurer and much more…More About Our Guest: Pamela Sylvan has

  • Before It’s Too Late: When Speaking Up Is A Matter of Life or Death.

    26/11/2022 Duration: 56min

    Join us for a heartfelt, raw, authentic account of a family’s eight-month-long nightmare that resulted in a mother’s unfortunate death from ovarian cancer. In this episode, you’ll meet Melissa Mullamphy, a self-described “insufferable a**hole” when she wants to get things done... She is now a woman on a mission to help people navigate a convoluted and complicated healthcare system.When I was introduced to Melissa, her journey intrigued me. She shared, “During my mother’s cancer diagnosis and treatment, I saw first-hand the failures of a broken medical system—a system full of good people working in a critically deficient framework.” I could relate.During our chat, she passionately shares from her memoir, ‘Not in Vain, a Promise Kept,’ an unflinching chronicle of loss and a real-life look at her family’s medical torment; just some of what she shares is:• Practical, actionable advice for patients, families, and loved ones to get the care they deserve,• How to facilitate communication and cooperation at all heal

  • What to Do When Good Food Becomes Bad Food For You

    19/11/2022 Duration: 56min

    What if some of the good foods you eat are causing your fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, joint pain, urinary problems, osteopenia, and more? And what if it was more than a ‘sensitivity’ or ‘allergy...’I’m sure you’ll be as surprised as I am after we chat with Sally K. Norton, MPH, a leading expert on oxalates in food.* In addition to being an expert on oxalates, she is an ivy-league trained nutritionist, public health expert, and author of the forthcoming book, ‘Toxic Superfoods.’ And Sally will share with us her personal experience overcoming oxalate overload and what she learned about recovery, including:• How the resulting inflammation interferes with your body’s natural healing and repair mechanisms,• Why some ‘superfoods’ may be doing you more harm than good and what to eat instead,• How a low oxalate diet can help you find relief from a range of issues,• The simple diet changes that can make a world of difference. Plus, much more...*Oxalates (oxalic acid) are a naturally occurring chemical found in certain

  • What To Do When ‘It’ Doesn’t Work Anymore... with Mindfulness and Positive Neuroplasticity coach Michael Bartura

    12/11/2022 Duration: 54min

    A friend shared with me a long time ago that you only ‘grow’ when you reach the edge of your comfort zone. Tonight’s guest, Mindfulness and Positive Neuroplasticity coach Michael Bartura helped me understand my comfort zone in a more profound way. One of the many tips and insights he shares is, “You only know yourself through the pleasure of the identities you are comfortable with and the fear of the identities you are uncomfortable with....” Wowza, that’s a powerful reframe... He also shares• What to do when your diagnosis rips apart your identity, • How to quit arguing with reality and make happiness a practice,• Ways to develop the capacity to observe without judgment,• Breathing patterns for clarity and well-being and so much more... More About Our Guest: Michael Bartura, lifestyle educator, consultant, and health and wellness coach, runs a coaching practice based on Mindfulness-based Leadership and Positive Neuroplasticity. Michael is a passionate and skilled coach and has been an associate of the Asian

  • How To Return To A Sense Of Agency, Choice, And Confidence Using I-You Language with Sarah Peyton

    04/11/2022 Duration: 51min

    A long-term illness or chronic condition can leave one feeling lost and confused. In (our 400th!) episode, we welcome back Sarah Peyton, international trainer and author of 'Your Resonant Self.' In this fascinating chat, Sarah shares the connecting and, dare I say, the healing power of the I-You language for all parts of us: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual. I got ‘goosebumps’ when she explained it to me...During our time together, Sarah will also share:• How we can begin to heal old trauma through resonance and I-You language and create a more profound warmth for ourselves and others,• Tips on maintaining a solid sense of self even after a diagnosis,• Discover how to practice gratitude as expressed in I-You language,• • How to release unconscious contracts, including those that sound ‘good’ on the surface, such as ‘not to hurt others.’ Hint: Holding on to these contracts stops genuine connection and authenticity... plus so much moreMore About Our Guest: Sarah Peyton, Certified Trainer of No

  • Improving Health Through Enhancing Your ‘Inner Knowing’ with Bev Martin

    28/10/2022 Duration: 54min

    This week we welcome Intuitive Coach Bev Martin back to the show. She will share with us how we can uncover what our body and inner self are trying to tell us. Bev is a gifted intuitive, and skilled professional coach who has a remarkable gift for accessing divine wisdom and communicating it in a clear practical way. In this episode, just some of what Bev shares is • How to know what your inner-self is trying to tell you,• Simple ways to discover what your body needs right now• What are symptoms trying to tell you and a powerful question to ask • Finding answers through self-talk and deep listening,Plus much more…About our Guest: Bev Martin is a natural and trained intuitive, a certified Professional Coach (PCC) Member of ICF International Coaches, a Master Practitioner of NLP (MNLP) and NLP and Health (HNLP), a Certified Facilitator of Clean Language and Symbolic Modeling, Certified Hypnotherapist. Learn more about Bev and her amazing work at www.BevMartin.comShare this link with family and friends: www.Unde

  • Is HSP Causing Your Mystery Symptoms?

    07/10/2022 Duration: 50min

    Clinical psychologist Elaine Aron developed the term Highly Sensitive Person (also known as an HSP) in the early 1990s. The phrase HSP describes a trait that refers to an overly-sensitive central nervous system and often manifests as an increased awareness of physical, emotional, and social stimuli.In this episode, we welcome the author of ‘The Sensitive Ones,’ speaker, coach, and Empath Mama - Heather Nardi. Heather has dedicated her career to supporting highly sensitive and empath moms and moms with highly sensitive kids to live healthy, empowered lives. Heather shares with us her and her daughter’s journey of discovery plus• How to own your needs, set boundaries, and focus lovingly less on others;• How to cope with internal and external stimuli when it turns into added stress;• How to stay grounded and build resilience and much more...More about our Guest: Heather Nardi draws from her extensive education as a Holistic Life Coach and spiritual practitioner to create specialized tools and programs for sensit

  • Talkin’ Taboo Topics with Pat Duckworth: Menopause, Wellness In The Workplace, and more...

    30/09/2022 Duration: 52min

    We welcome back Pat Duckworth, the Founder of Smarter Menopause. She is a Women’s Health and Workplace Menopause Strategist working with businesses and organizations worldwide that are committed to supporting women colleagues at menopause. She is the author of several well-being books, including her international bestseller ‘Hot Women, Cool Solutions.’ In this episode, Pat and show host Sharon Sayler explore how we can tackle wellness and well-being topics to accelerate change in all environments, including the workplace plus• How to talk to management about ‘taboo topics’ like menopause,• The latest on hormones and phytoestrogens,• Understanding the changes to our bodies as we age, • Ways to embrace life and ‘taboo topics’ at every stage of life and much moreMore About Our Guest: Pat Duckworth is an international consultant, speaker, and author. Her books include ‘How to Survive Her Menopause; A practical guide to women’s health for men,’ ‘Cool Recipes for Hot Women; How to eat your way to a healthy menopau

  • It’s Time To Talk About Clutter… A Candid Declutter Chat with Expert Sharon McRill

    16/09/2022 Duration: 48min

    I don’t know about you, but in the last couple of years, with various lockdowns and closures, my home has tended to get rather cluttered, and it felt draining…until I called the owner and founder of The Betty Brigade, Sharon McRill. Sharon is the author of the best-selling book: “Downsizing the Silver Tsunami: Who To Call and Where Does The Stuff Go,” a guide to going through the moving process, and a guest expert on the Dr. Phil show. Sharon shares her tips and tricks for creating a home you love to spend time in and (hopefully) for the upcoming holiday season, invite guests back over. Just some of what she shares is:• How to declutter without worrying if your kitchen whisk brings you joy• Why it’s essential to declutter even if you are on the maximalist decor trend• Who wants all that stuff, including ‘Aunt Mable’s old fur coat plus so much more…Now, I’m enlightened, enthused, and energized — it is time for my fall clean-out…! More about our guest: Sharon McRill is the owner and president of The Betty Briga

  • The Healing Power of Surrender with Christine Powers

    02/09/2022 Duration: 46min

    “It brought me home to myself” was one of many insights this week’s guest shared with me, your host Sharon Sayler, during my chat with Christine Powers, founder of The Philosophers Camp and Spiritual Consigliere to thought leaders worldwide.Together we share our experiences on the healing power of surrender and the other insights and ‘ahas’ she received after her odyssey of first finding the correct diagnosis and then her long, ongoing healing journey. In the fall of 2020, she got very sick. It took six months, two biopsies, three hospital stays, multiple MRIs and CT scans, bloodwork every week, eight specialists, and three months in pajamas staring at the mountains to finally receive from an outside specialist the diagnosis of long-term Lyme disease and Tularemia.*Christine shares with us what she has discovered along the way, including that going back to the ‘old way’ she used to move through the world was no longer the way for her plus• How you must be your own advocate, see through gaslighting, and not gi

  • Easily Change Your Resistance To Change To Accelerate Your Healing

    26/08/2022 Duration: 50min

    I’m still pondering what to call this week’s chat! ‘Coming to Terms with What Is’ keeps coming to mind, yet ‘Easily Change Your Resistance To Change…’ is more inclusive for our far-ranging and thought-provoking chat on a primary reason many have a hard time letting go of ‘yucky’ stuff and letting in the ‘yummy’ stuff. Join us as Joel and I reveal some of the ‘yummy’ stuff! As the creator and custodian of NPA (Non-Personal Awareness) and host of The Be A Brilliant Human podcast, Joel helps us…
• Uncover how to stop taking people and situations personally• Let go of what’s holding you back from wellness• Create a kinder, gentler approach to your well-being and the world• Discover ways to bring more harmony into your life and so much more…More About Our Guest: Joel Young is the Creator & Custodian of NPA, which stands for Non-Personal Awareness, and host of The Be A Brilliant Human podcast. The NPA Process has touched the lives of millions around the world, helping them to stop taking things personally, let

  • When Little Things Make Big Changes

    19/08/2022 Duration: 43min

    In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour, we welcome Alissa Frazier, Health Coach, Therapist, Exercise Consultant, and a Thriver with Multiple Sclerosis. Alissa believes MS doesn’t have to stop you from having an extraordinary life.Now, she’s on a mission to show people with MS that life is not over after diagnosis. After chatting with Alissa, I realized that Alissa’s experience and tips for thriving with MS can help us regardless of our diagnosis. Just some of what she shares with us is• Her personal MS transformation that went against all odds
• Why working with your Emotional Nervous System is a missing link in a recovery
• How to improve body function and symptom management through a brain-body connection
• Why hope is an essential ingredient to heal and how to change the way of looking at your diagnosis, and so much more...More About Our Guest: Alissa Frazier is the founder of LissMS, which offers a unique three-pronged approach to healing Multiple Sclerosis, which includes a nutrient-dense whole foods di

  • Shannah’s Success Strategies for Thriving With CFS (and Life)

    29/07/2022 Duration: 01h03min

    We welcome one of Australia’s foremost strategic executive life and health coaches Shannah Kennedy, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) thriver and author of the new book ‘The Life Plan: Simple Strategies for Building Confidence in a Changing World.' She was nearly bedridden for twelve months, and her physical comeback took over three years. And several more years to uncover the blessings of her ordeal, one of which is a deeper understanding of herself and her life’s grand plan.She shares with us some techniques she uses daily to maintain her and her clients’ thriver status, including how she learned to protect her most valuable asset, that of herself — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She also shares her wellness secrets on:• The power of habit stacks and mini routines to revitalize and renew,• Why it’s essential to define your values and clarify your purposes.• Ways to identify your ‘drainers’ and simplify your life,• How to develop flexible short, medium, and long-range plans plus so much mor

  • Are You Getting ‘Stuck In A Box’ By Your Diagnosis?

    22/07/2022 Duration: 50min

    Patient advocate and friend Kristal Kent joined me, host Sharon Sayler to talk about how we can intentionally and unintentionally get siloed or put in easy-to-label boxes.’ When Kristal and I get together, it’s a free-flowing conversation about our wellness journey, the thrivers’ mindset, and advocacy. This time we got off on a rift about how labels and silos/boxes can hamper our wellness journey; just some of what we chat about is:• Moving past a siloed medical mentality,• Steering clear of allowing your identity to be wrapped up by your diagnosis,• Recognizing medical and or ‘disabled’ ‘gaslighting’ when it’s happening,• How this common stereotyping can harm our wellness and well-being if we don’t stay mindful of the dilemma, plus so much more…More About Our Guest: Kristal Kent is an Army Veteran, Fibromyalgia Warrior, Silo Crusher, Collaboration Cultivator, Community Voice, Healthcare Collaborator, Patient Leader, an Individual Advocate along with a Policy and Legislative Advocate, Volunteers for many Vete

  • What’s Next? How to Design a Fulfilling Life From Scratch

    15/07/2022 Duration: 52min

    We welcome back The Mojo Maker, Pamela Sylvan! She’s sharing with us how to create the life you want regardless of the current circumstances. Pamela is a multi-faceted entrepreneur, executive mentor, TV show host, branding specialist, author, keynote speaker, and community leader for mid-life women coming out of their messy middle.At the age of 50, when most women are settling down to enjoy family, friends, and the fruits of their labor, Pamela encountered a unique knowingness and confidence too strong to ignore. She followed this drive and upended what wasn’t working to design a fulfilling life from scratch.Now nearing 60, after almost a decade of fighting through the unknown, rejection, fear, near bankruptcy, and loneliness, Pamela has come to recognize life-altering wisdom that made all the difference to her survival and her ability to thrive and beat the odds. She shares with us• How to find your inner ‘knowing,’• What is resiliency and how to craft more of it,• How to dissolve your ‘stuck stories’ and be

  • Controlling Stress and Anxiety With Sound   

    17/06/2022 Duration: 56min

    Stress and anxiety seem to be more rampant than ever! So, I called Sharon Carne, founder of Sound Wellness and author of “Listen From the Inside Out.” In addition to being an author and the lead trainer for Sound Wellness, she has produced 8 CDs, including “Transmutation, Shed the Negative,” “Woodland Song,” and “Blissful Chimes,” and a series of DVDs, all based on creating a space of calm and well-being
In our conversation, Sharon shares how sound creates positive and negative responses in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, plus• How to use a simple hum to relieve stress and calm yourself,• Why it is essential to understand the impact of how sound influences well-being,• Ways to create a more peaceful environment for stress and anxiety reduction,And, so much more…More About Our Guest: Sharon Carne has felt the love of music for most of her life. After falling in love with the Classical guitar in her teens and earning her Bachelor of Music and Master of Fine Arts degrees, she has taken her

  • Becoming Comfortable with the Discomfort of Transitions

    10/06/2022 Duration: 54min

    I can’t tell you how many times after I’ve thrown my hands up and said, “I’m done” things started to fall into place. Our guest, visual artist and best-selling author, Karen Kinney, shares, among other things, her wisdom with us on, “why it all falls into place in moments of surrender” from her latest bestseller Doorways to Transformation: Everyday Wisdom for the Creative Soul. In our conversation, we talk about how change only happens when we dismantle fear, plus• How to trust your inner authority and take radical responsibility,• Why it is essential to abandon the search for how life works,• Ways to create peace and or ‘settledness’ by learning to be okay with the unresolved,And, so much more…More About Our Guest: Karen Kinney is the author of two books, a visual artist, freelance writer, and teacher living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She has pursued a multifaceted art and writing career, exhibiting her artwork nationally and internationally, and her articles and essays have appeared in numerous publi

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