Women In The Business Arena



After almost two decades of working with women in business, Sonya Stattmann has been on the front lines of womens quest for liberation, freedom and real success. She knows what it is like to navigate the business arena and she has helped thousands of women around the globe find more fulfilment and freedom. Women in the Business Arena explores the real journey to business success and the twists and turns to experience real liberation. She is joined by her dear friend and previous business partner, Laura Shook Guzman, a somatic psychotherapist who specialises in working with women entrepreneurs. Together they address the real challenges you face in the business arena and talk honestly about their own journeys towards more freedom. It is a deep dive and honest conversation around what makes us thrive as women, and how it is not a linear path to success! For more information visit http://www.womeninthebusinessarena.com


  • Staying Motivated to Show Up in the Midst of Collective Anxiety

    26/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    When there's a lot going on in the world, it can be easy to lose the motivation to show up in our businesses & lives. But there are some simple things we can do to ground ourselves in times of collective anxiety that will allow us to stand up for what we believe in, participate in society's important conversations, and keep moving our businesses forward too.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the way we do business? No more hustle. No more unethical marketing. No more struggle to get a return on your effort.  In

  • How to Start Streamlining Your Business (and Why You Need to!)

    19/10/2020 Duration: 28min

    Our businesses need streamlining and FOCUS. That means I want you to have ONE business, ONE target market, and ONE service. Multi-passionate people, I can hear you saying, "What?!" But I promise this advice will help you, too. Laura (a multi-passionate entrepreneur herself!) and I are breaking down exactly why you need to streamline your business and where to start. We talk about going all in, how focus can actually increase your creativity, and how you can tune into your body to figure out which passion you should follow now. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to joi

  • Becoming Untamed & Embracing Your True Nature

    12/10/2020 Duration: 29min

    https://untamedbook.com/ (Untamed) has been everywhere this year and I finally picked up a copy. If you haven’t seen it, it’s Glennon Doyle’s latest book and an exploration of the ways women are suppressed by society and themselves. Laura and I really dig into the idea of becoming “untamed” in this episode. We talk about our resistance to the word “wild,” how we can embrace our true nature, and how patriarchy works to keep us within predetermined boxes. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the way we do business? No more hustl

  • Using Our Triggers as Tools for Self-Reflection

    05/10/2020 Duration: 26min

    This year has been full of emotional tests. On top of normal life and all its usual highs and lows, we are still navigating a global pandemic, upended routines, and changing norms around our relationships.  We wanted to explore triggers on this week’s episode because many of us have been triggered more than usual lately.  Laura does a beautiful job guiding much of this conversation as we define triggers and talk about what they can teach us.  We also share a few recommendations for how to handle triggers when they arise and how to build a compassionate, reflective relationship around them. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https:

  • Stop Tamping Down Your True Self

    28/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    This week Laura and I are really digging into the idea of bold, direct, honest business communication. We talk about bringing integrity and authenticity back to the core of our conversations with clients new and old.  We talk about what it means to find your own unique voice, how to start uncovering the conditioning that keeps our voices small, and why stillness and contemplation are key to bringing the truth back into business. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the way we do business? No more hustle. No more unethical

  • Intrinsic Leadership (Part 2): Made for Women Reluctant to Lead

    21/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    Last week Laura and I explored some of the things that keep women from stepping into true leadership. We talked about the habit of over-owning, the conditioning of the patriarchy, and the ways we choose to perpetuate these patterns.  This week we want to explore the next step: becoming embodied, intrinsic leaders. How do we let go of over-delivering? How do we step back into ourselves? How do we create a totally new leadership model that encourages women to fully embrace themselves? Find More Support For Women In Business:> You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Worthy Love Notes).https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes ( https://bit.ly/worthy-love-notes) > Want to join a community of women who are changing the wa

  • Intrinsic Leadership (Part 1): Made for Women Reluctant to Lead

    14/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    Traditional models of leadership are not built for women. Women think that they will have to over-deliver and over-own more than they already are. They think leadership will be a drain on their already limited time and energy. I think it is time for a completely new way to look at leadership. We need leaders that are driven from within, who are standing in their power and grounded in themselves. We need to reject broken masculine models, heal our wounds and step into intrinsic leadership. We are tackling this juicy topic in a two-part series and in part one we’re exposing all the things that keep women in reluctant leadership. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-women-collective/ ( Wort

  • Embrace Your Natural Cycles for More Success & Freedom

    07/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    I am a big believer in following your natural rhythm in both life and business. I know that I have very distinct periods of activity and output versus periods of rest and contemplation. When I fully embrace this push and pull, I am more likely to feel grounded and work in my genius. When I get pulled out of this rhythm, it is a lot harder for me to get anything done or feel good while doing it.  That’s what Laura and I are digging into this week as we discuss our own natural cycles and how we honor them. We also talk about how today’s business environment (and the world) tries to get us to be constantly “on” and how we can resist this pressure. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered straight into your inbox? Sign up for myhttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/worthy-w

  • Hire the Team that Will Take YOU to the Next Level

    31/08/2020 Duration: 33min

    I have made huge strides in the way I think about hiring. I am connecting with the people I really need in my business and getting things off my plate that I don’t want to do - and I am doing it all in a way that feels great.  I didn’t used to feel this way about hiring at all. I thought building a team would be exhausting and time consuming, and I was worried about giving up control over every little aspect of my business. But as I have grown and dreamed up bigger dreams for my business, I have realized that business is ultimately not designed to be done alone. If I want to have the impact I know I am capable of having, I need help. In this episode Laura and I are talking all about hiring, and not just for business but for life in general. We talk about how to find the right people instead of accepting whatever opportunities or people come our way, and how to trust ourselves enough to know the difference. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contri

  • Being the True CEO of Your Business

    24/08/2020 Duration: 29min

    Do you think of yourself as the CEO of your business? I know for me “CEO” used to sound too… big. Or complicated. Or stressful. It sounded like the opposite of what I wanted my business to be. But recently I have been playing with the idea that I can and should see myself as the CEO of my business, and that I get to decide what that means to me. I don’t have to follow the blueprint of CEOs we see in our lives and in the media - I can be a CEO that aligns with her own values and her own strengths and so carves her own path. Laura and I are digging into what it takes to become the CEO that you and your business really need and why we as women need to step into this kind of leadership. I talk about why I always thought that I wanted a small business and what has changed my mind lately, and Laura shares a bit about the sheer creative power we can access when we start to think of ourselves as a true CEO.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute

  • How to Come Up for Air and Avoid Burnout in Stressful Times

    17/08/2020 Duration: 33min

    Usually our lives are made up of patterns that ebb and flow. As a business owner, things in your business may rise and fall by the month or the quarter. But this year has thrown all of our regular cycles and routines up into the air and sent us scrambling to make new ones. All that scrambling has meant many of us have been “on” for months now, and that we haven’t come up for air or taken the breaks we normally would. Whether you have been feeling stuck and stagnant or you have been running nonstop, it is time to do the opposite. This episode is all about disrupting whatever routine you have developed lately and checking in with what you really need. Laura and I talk about burnout, staycations, and why each of us needs to come up for air right now. We chat about reconnecting with our bigger visions and why this is the fuel we need to keep moving forward and build a new future for us all. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps:/

  • Redesign Everything for Your Strengths and Forget Your Weaknesses

    10/08/2020 Duration: 27min

    This year has made it clear that we need to rethink so much about our lives and communities. And I know that in a lot of ways this is scary, but I think it provides us with a huge opportunity, too.  Now is the time to dig into our deepest desires and bring them to life. Now is the time to release old patterns and make room for new ones. Now is the time to tap into our strengths without self-consciousness or fear and let go of our “weaknesses”.  In this week’s episode Laura and I are talking all about why we need to redesign absolutely everything. We’re also discussing the weight women often feel to compensate for our “weaknesses” and why we should simply focus on our strengths and ask others to help us fill in the gaps. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up deliv

  • RECLAIM 2020 - It Can Be the Year You Changed Everything

    03/08/2020 Duration: 32min

    2020 has been one of the most challenging years I have ever faced, and I think this rings true for so many of us. This year has seen all kinds of upheaval and loss already. But it has also seen some much needed truths come to light, including the fact that we need to embrace a new way of doing business and that our society needs to examine its many open wounds.  I think the time has come for us to reclaim 2020. Although so many of our plans haven’t come to fruition, we can pivot and turn this year into one of the best ever. We can align ourselves with our strengths and our values. We can choose to tap into our internal power and create what we really desire.  Laura and I are talking all about how we can reclaim 2020 in this episode and where we can start. We dive into the power of choice in challenging circumstances, why we need to give our desires more space to shape our businesses, and why desire has such an infectious, positive energy. This is a really juicy topic and related to something I’m v

  • To Make More Money, You Must Embrace Ease

    27/07/2020 Duration: 31min

    We are brought up to believe that we are not worthy in our ease. As I was chatting with Laura this week for the podcast, that phrase leapt out at both of us. I think it is a perfect description of the default mindset so many of us are using to run our businesses. We think that our relaxation and ease are worthless and that we are only worthy when we are working ourselves to the bone to earn every penny. This scarcity mindset is instilled in many of us when we are young and reinforced as we grow up. But when we hustle like this, we cut ourselves off from some of the most vital forces in our lives: our capacity to imagine, to create, to innovate and to connect.  In this conversation Laura and I talk about why we need to stop over-owning in our businesses and focus on our zones of genius. We discuss the impact of hustle on our brains and bodies and why ease is the antidote for so many of the problems we face as entrepreneurs.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts

  • STOP Overcomplicating Your Business and Life

    20/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    I have been in business for several decades now and I have seen quite a few marketing trends and strategies come and go. But one that has been really persistent has been the layered, ladder-like approach that so many online business experts and marketers have been selling to people for years.  This approach is not only tired, but it is off-base for so many of the people it is being sold to. It doesn’t promote ease or connection - it just fosters confusion and is a waste of time for you and your customer. In this episode Laura and I are talking about how business has gotten so complicated and how people make money when they make things harder than they need to be. We discuss marketing and why small businesses don’t need to borrow big companies’ tactics, and we chat about how we can create more ease and simplicity in our businesses. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Busin

  • Re-defining Wealth & Aligning it With Your Deepest Values

    13/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    Laura and I wanted to explore some of the ideas and expectations around wealth and dig into different approaches to abundance in this week’s episode. We *are* talking about money - we can’t just think about wealth in terms of spiritual wealth or having a wealth of love. How we relate to money is intrinsically tied to how we value ourselves, our businesses, and our contributions to the world.  We chat about some of the practical things we have been playing with to broaden our definition of wealth too, including some of the questions we have been asking ourselves, why you should surround yourself with people who have abundant mindsets, and how to start noticing the abundance/scarcity lens you are applying every day.  Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.sonyastattmann.com/listen/ ( Women in the Business Arena) http://womeninthebusinessarena.com/ > Love this podcast? Need a little weekly pick-me-up delivered st

  • Cracking Illusion to Get to the Truth

    06/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Lately I have been reflecting a lot on the many shifts our world is going through. I have been learning and integrating so much, some days it has felt like I have completely reshuffled my brain, body and being in light of all that I have realized in the past few months.  For those of us with a variety of privileges, there has been a pretty veneer covering up the racism, sexism, and other inequalities that are reality for so many people. But lately it feels like there are cracks developing in that illusion and the truth is shining through. We are being called to address the cracks in ourselves and the cracks in our society so that we can all build and live into a better future. This week Laura and I wanted to create space to talk about some of these changes and how we are embracing the ways things are cracking open. We talk about the ongoing work to address racism in our society and our work, how we are navigating this time with our families, and why we can’t miss this opportunity to make both micro and

  • Reversing Gender Roles in Work & Family with special guest Ed Stattmann

    29/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    I think it is safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed so much in our society, from the individual and family realm all the way up to the global level. One of the things that has really shifted is the distribution of work and childcare within families. I have heard from quite a few women that they feel this is their time to step up. They want to take a bigger role in generating income for their families but aren’t sure how to discuss with this their partners or handle the shift. So I thought my husband Ed and I could share a bit about our experience. In this episode I’m chatting with a special guest, my husband Ed Stattmann, about how and why we shifted the patterns of work and childcare in our family. While we were not in this situation because of a pandemic at the time, we were pushed to make this shift quicker than we might have otherwise done - and learned some valuable lessons from that transition. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to co

  • Why We Overdeliver and How to Break the Habit

    22/06/2020 Duration: 36min

    In the world of work, it is common to hear the advice that you should “always overdeliver.” This is held out as a great way to impress your current and potential clients, but there is little discussion around how this impacts your energy levels or overall feelings about delivering for your clients. And I am not sure this is a great message. Laura and I have talked about overdelivering on the podcast before, but this time we wanted to come at the topic from a slightly different angle. We wanted to explore why we overdeliver, what we think it gets us, and why it can be so hard to break this pattern.  In this episode we are talking about why we are seeing so much overdelivery right now in particular and what is often at the root of this pattern. We also discuss boundaries and why we should deliver within our capacity, not force ourselves to abide by the world’s breakneck pace. Find More Support For Women In Business: > You can find free gifts, opportunities to contribute & more athttps://www.son

  • How Can We Build Actively Anti-Racist Businesses?

    15/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    Over the past few weeks we have seen some of the most sustained and widespread protests against racism and police brutality that I can remember in my lifetime. It feels like there has been an awakening at many levels - societally, across industries, and for many individuals.  For many white people, this has been a real wake up call. We have had to confront our participation in the racist institutions within the US and the world, many of us for the first time. The fact that many of us have not had to confront this before now is a prime example of our privilege. And as business owners, we have a particular platform and obligation to do this work, both internally and within our businesses. In this episode, Laura and I are talking about why white business owners like ourselves need to commit to the internal work of understanding our privileges & biases if we want to truly support the movement for justice and anti-racism. We dive into why we need to check our intentions regularly and make sure we aren’t

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