Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 173:35:23
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Every week on the Mom Inspired Show, Amber Sandberg and her guest delve into relevant topics for women including: pursuing passions, overcoming battles, and trouble shooting issues that women face. Amber loves to connect with women especially moms and encourages them in their authenticity because they are already good enough. Be uplifted and inspired. Join the village that seems to be missing in todays age at the Mom Inspired Show. Find out more at


  • Why LEGO is such a great toy for your kids: Warren Nash: 221

    05/01/2021 Duration: 30min

    Does the thought of your kids playing with LEGO seem daunting to you? Today we have Warren Nash, author of LEGO with Dad on the show today. I wanted to start off the year with a fun and lighthearted episode. Since most of us have kids learning remotely and being on screens all day I thought it would be great to talk about why LEGO would be such a great toy for the kids to play with.  Warren talks about growing up with LEGO and now that he has a son he has a whole new view on these bricks.  He mentions that LEGO bricks can really help kids with being creative and it can be an endless source of imagination.  He also points out that it's also a great way to spend family time.  Warren has a book called LEGO with Dad as well as a YouTube station and so if you are looking for some fun builds make sure to check that out, all of that info. is in the shownotes!  One things that stood out to me is his thoughts on sets vs a box of random bricks. Hear what he says about this topic and more on the podcast. "My Favor

  • BEST OF: Navigating Uncertainty, Inspirational Ways Moms are Living Through COVID-19 Series: Lindsay Young: 220

    29/12/2020 Duration: 42min

    I thought this Best Of episode would be a perfect way to end 2020! Lindsay and I really talk about taking care of yourself in this episode from getting good sleep, taking care of your gut, reducing stress and a healthy immune system! Today we have Lindsay Young back on the show and we talk all about taking care of ourselves.  Even when the quarantine gets lifted everywhere we still want to stay healthy. Lindsay shares with us some things that are key in order to best take care of ourselves.  The first things she talks about is sleep and how good quality sleep is essential for a healthy immune system.  As well as moving daily, reducing stress and eating a healthy diet so that you can get a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Lastly she talks about gut health and how up to 80% of our immune system is in our gut! One topic that really stood out to me is something I have noticed for myself personally and how going to sleep before midnight makes a huge difference. Hear what we have to say on this topic and more o

  • BEST OF: Mean girls and raising daughters – Leave No Girl Behind Series Part 1: Amber Sandberg and Melissa Sharpe: 219

    22/12/2020 Duration: 36min

    Do you feel like you have been swimming upstream with your daughter with friend drama? No surprise that this is one of the most downloaded episodes.   This is part 1 of the 3 part series of Leave No Girl Behind with Melissa Sharpe. In this series we are going to be chatting about our daughters, especially from the ages of preschool to preteen. We will be chatting about how to deal with mean girls and how to speak truth into our daughters as they navigate all of this.  As we chatted in the previous series about Cultivating Your Village as women and moms, we want to be able to help our daughters learn how to cultivate a village from a young age.  So make sure to listen to the whole series and share with your friends that have daughters. If you liked this episode make sure to listen to the next 2 episodes! Click the links below to listen: Leave No Girl Behind- Helicopter Mom or Not? Leave No Girl Behind - Finding Your Daughter's Tribe "My Favorite Things" Segment: I love doing picture books and Christmas

  • BEST OF: What is carb cycling and macro management and how can it help you lose weight: Part 2: Amanda Nighbert :218

    15/12/2020 Duration: 23min

    Have you been wondering what all the talk about carb cycling means and why so many people like to use it for weight loss? You’re in luck, this was one of the most downloaded episodes and so it made the "Best Of" list!  Dietitian Amanda Nighbert is back on the show for part two of our “Lean with Amanda Nighbert” series. In this episode you’ll find out: How carb cycling benefits your metabolism How controlling your carbs can help manage your insulin If a diet low in carbs is right for you The difference between carb-cycling and low-carb diets (like Keto) …And more! If you liked this episode make sure to check out episode 217 where we talk about Intermittent Fasting :  Can intermittent fasting help you lose weight?   Retrain your body to be a fat burner, rather than just a fat storer. Don't wait till Jan. 1 to get back on track, you can join Amanda's next session Dec. 28th! Click on the link (with a $10 discount make sure to use referral code MOM)* Sign up for LEAN program  

  • BEST OF:  How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight: Amanda Nighbert: 217

    08/12/2020 Duration: 30min

    So, what in the world is intermittent fasting and can it really help you lose weight? I am not surprised that this is one of the "Best Of" episodes. Intermittent fasting is a big topic right now and it can be confusing if you don't understand how it works.  This episode is part of a 4 part series and the second episode if this series is actually next week's episode so make sure to stay tuned.  Today Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert will share with us the following on intermittent fasting: What intermittent fasting is and how it works How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and keep it off Nutritional myths that could be keeping you from losing weight How bulletproof coffee helps you burn fat …And more! If you liked this episode you can check out my series on how I lost 50lbs in a year. How I lost 50lbs in a year! Don't wait till Jan. 1 to get back on track, you can join Amanda's next session Dec. 28th! Click on the link (with a $10 discount make sure to use referral code MOM)*

  • BEST OF: Love your life not theirs: Rachel Cruz: 216

    01/12/2020 Duration: 51min

    Is comparison stealing joy in your life? So Rachel Cruz's episode from 2018 is one of the most downloaded episodes for the Mom Inspired Show so I am kicking off December "Best Of" with her episode. If you missed it the first time around I know you will enjoy this. If you have already heard this episode, I find when you listen to something more than once you learn different things since you are in a different phase of life than when you first heard it! Rachel and I discuss everything from how comparison is killing us,  and that social media makes it super easy to to feel like we don’t have enough!  Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media wishing you had a different house, maybe you feel like you are the only one that doesn’t go on vacations as much as you like or have fabulous friends?  Rachel shares with us that she too can fall into this trap. She shares a story about coming home from a vacation and then getting on social media to find someone that she follows on Instagram on vacation and

  • Keeping our sanity during the holidays series: Reduce Stress :Kristina Bentle: 215

    24/11/2020 Duration: 34min

    Do you find yourself super stressed over the holidays? Today we have Kristina Bentle back on the show to talk about reducing our stress during the holidays! Kristina is a life coach that helps women reduce stress in their lives.  She shares with us her journey of struggling with anxiety and depression and how she is a suicide attempt survivor.  During her recovery she learned how her thoughts were impacting her life and decided to take control of her thoughts.  Now she uses her personal experience to help moms reduce stress and create more freedom in their life.  One topic that stood out to me is when she talked about "powering through" and how that isn't an answer when life gets hard and how it is actually counterproductive. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the first episode 212, second episode 213 and third episode 214 of this series: Keeping our sanity during the holidays:planning: Keeping our sanity during the holidays: daily r

  • Keeping our sanity during the holidays series: Ditch Perfectionism : Jaclyn Zubiena: 214

    17/11/2020 Duration: 40min

    Does perfectionism steal important moments in your life? Today we have Jaclyn Zubiena on the show to talk about enjoying more time with our family and letting go of that never ending to do list.  With the holidays just around the corner it is so easy to keep adding to our list, to the point where we feel burned out!  Jaclyn mentions that it is so important to simplify and weed out the "shoulds".  Do you find yourself saying " I should do this or I really should of done that differently?", she encourages us that we really need to clean that self talk up and show ourselves more self love and compassion.  She challenges us to shorten our to do list so we can have more time with our family and for ourselves.  She points out that if we don't keep refilling our cup we will have nothing to give to our loved ones. Jaclyn also talks about letting go of what was normal and creating new traditions.  To shift our focus from things we can't control to the things we can. One point that stood out to me was when Jaclyn said

  • Keeping our sanity during the holidays series: Daily Routines : Tracy Nolin Beerman: 213

    10/11/2020 Duration: 39min

    What mini habits can you put in place to help you through the holidays? Today we have Tracy Nolin Beerman on the show to talk about the daily routines that she has implemented in her life to help her feel her best! I wanted her to come on to give us some ideas on how to best set up our day to feel less frazzled!  Tracy is going to share with us 4 simple daily practices to help busy moms. The first practice is walking, not only does it do your body good but it also increases cognitive performance in the brain and reduces stress.  She shares with us how she does a 30 minute walk especially out in nature and how it does wonders.  The second one is yoga, and bare with me before you blow this off. She talks about how yoga helps connect our mind, body and soul, she has been doing it for 30 years and finds that she always returns to the mat. She shares with us that she has ADD and it helps her to be still and calm her mind.  She keeps it to a 10 minute routine, and it helps lubricate your joints. The third practice

  • Keeping our sanity during the holidays series: Planning: Jenny Stemmerman: 212

    03/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    Do you wish you were better at planning in regards to the Holiday Season when it comes to your stress level? Today we have Jenny Stemmerman back on the show to kick off our keeping our sanity during the holiday series!  I wanted to start off this series with Jenny because she has created a Holiday Sanity course that is free so she really knows how to get in the right head space for the holidays! Jenny shares with us that one of the most important things to do when it comes to helping your stress level during the holidays is to plan! Now, she doesn't mean to plan every single thing and be rigid but to have an idea of what is important to you and your family and why you want to do certain things for the holidays! She explains how planning is self-care and that it sets us up for success so that it takes the burden off of us as moms.  Jenny was also sharing with us to know our "why" when it comes to doing certain things.  Sometimes it can be very easy to just do things because everyone else is doing them or you

  • Discovering your personal style: Allison Hamilton-Rohe: 211

    27/10/2020 Duration: 43min

    Do you find it hard to figure out what your personal style is now that you have had kids? Today we have personal style coach Allison Hamilton-Rohe on the show to talk about starting a business as a mom and why she chose being a stylist! She wanted to create a process to help women figure out their personal style.  She was sharing with us that one of the biggest obstacles that many women face is that were believing that it is suppose to be effortless.   So then when it's not effortless we feel shame around the way we look and that were suppose to look a certain way and know how to do this and we are left feeling helpless.  Allison mentioned that American women tend to have bursting closets and yet feel like they have nothing to wear, who can relate to that one?  She encourages us, to let go of the things that don't look good or we don't wear and stop buying things that don't work for us.  I asked Allison if she could pick one store to shop at and why, this is what she had to say, Nordstrom. The reason why is

  • Are we oversharing our kids lives online? Elaine Kasket: 210

    20/10/2020 Duration: 52min

    Have you ever wondered if your kids like their information and pictures posted online? Today we have psychologist Elaine Kasket on the show to talk about sharenting and online privacy and how she learned the hard way that her daughter didn't want her life documented online!  We live in a unprecedented time in technology and we have to make decisions that our parents didn't have to even think about.  If you grew up in the  80's and 90's we didn't have little computers in our pockets that we now call cell phones, we barely even had flip phones.  There was no Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, YouTube to post our information to.  When our parents wanted to share pictures they would have to carry them around in their wallet, or mail our school photo or baby photo to our family members and friends. Elaine shares with us that our kids lives are being shared online before they are even born by posting sonogram pictures.  Elaine tells us about her journey being online and how much she was sharing about her daughter from th

  • How a stay at home mom became an inventor: Marcy McKenna: 209

    13/10/2020 Duration: 35min

    How many of you have all these amazing ideas and would love to see them come to life? Today I have stay at home mom turned inventor Marcy McKenna on the show.  Marcy shares with us how moms have some of the best ideas out there and that is why she is so passionate about helping moms with making their inventions a reality! Marcy can speak from experience, she has a travel line on HSN and she has had to figure out a lot of things to get to where she is today.  Marcy mentioned to me that she ask the question "why are women not  inventing" she thinks they are afraid of the process, so it can seem scary.  Not only that it's a male dominated industry and so it can feel intimidating as well you have to worry if someone is going to steal your ideas! Marcy talks about how women can be perfectionist and so they are really good at starting a product but may not finish because they want it to turn out perfect.  She wants to help women overcome these challenges and teach them to take the risk! One topic that stood out to

  • Traveling in an RV full time part 2: Kristina Bentle: 208

    06/10/2020 Duration: 35min

    Have you ever just wanted to hit the road in an RV and see what is out there? Today Kristina Bentle is back on the show for part 2 of our talk about living in an RV full time. We dive right in where we left off and talk about how Kristina had to go to the ER twice during her journey. How it is important to know where the closest hospital is in case of an emergency!  Kristina also shares with us what you need to consider if you do want to do this full time. I asked her what her least favorite part of doing this was and how complicated it is to set up and break down every time you move. One topic that stood out to me is that living in an RV is not a full time vacation.  Lastly, I have her share her story on how they ended up in Hawaii as their final destination. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out part 1 of this 2 part episode   "My Favorite Things"

  • Traveling in an RV full time part 1: Kristina Bentle : 207

    29/09/2020 Duration: 36min

    Have you ever thought about selling everything and hitting the road in an RV? Today for part 1 of this interview we have Kristina Bentle on the show and we talk all about RV living for a year.  I have her walk us through how long she had been thinking about this and the conversations that had to had to happen before starting the process of living in an RV full time.  She shares with us the steps that had to happen to get this ball rolling and make a dream a reality.  We also talked about why she bought a brand new RV vs. a used one.  Kristina also shared with us how long her journey was and how it got cut short by COVID. I did ask her if she wishes she would of stayed in certain locations longer or not? One topic that stood out me is when Kristina mentioned that she realized how much she wanted to be by the ocean and how that dictated the rest of their journey! Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode and love travel make sure to check out the episode I did on tr

  • Helping our tween and teen girls with today’s struggles: Emily Ley : 206

    22/09/2020 Duration: 35min

    Do you feel like your daughter is facing impossible expectations? Today we have founder of the brand Simplified Emily Ley on the show.  She shares with us some tactical tips on how to make life easier for our daughters especially during COVID.  For example, making their bedroom a sanctuary and creating a space that they can get away to from the rest of the world. Why it's important to teach them boundaries with people and knowing what to look for in a good friend.  As well as having difficult conversations with someone that might of hurt their feelings.  Emily also talks about dealing with "mean girls" and how to identify those characteristics and distance yourself from those girls.  Emily shared with us how to give our daughters undivided attention while making it practical and teaching them life lessons yet making it fun and creative.  One topic that really stood out to me was when Emily shared that one of the biggest gifts we can give our girls is being a soft place to land and allowing them to come to us

  • How bankruptcy turned her life around: Taunya Woods Richardson : 205

    15/09/2020 Duration: 44min

    Are you feeling stressed out with money esp. during COVID? Today we have financial strategist Taunya Woods Richardson on the show. She shares with us her story on how she had to file bankruptcy and how that dramatically changed her life for the good! Taunya goes over the five financial pillars we can follow for sound money management as well as important money lessons we can pass on to our kids.  Also, she talks about being open with our kids and sharing our money mistakes with them and why that is important.  One topic that really stood out to me is when Taunya talked about financial legacy and how we can be passing on certain things to our kids unintentionally when it comes to our finances.  Lastly she shares with us what she feels is one of the most valuable life lessons we can teach our kids when it comes to money.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did with Christina Lynn:  How do moms take care of themselves fina

  • Do you feel like you are barely keeping it together? Cherlyn Decker: 204

    08/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    Are you feeling like you are burning out? Today we have life coach Cherlyn Decker on the show. She shares with us how important it is to take care of ourselves as moms. That when we feel frazzled that we end up being short tempered and not being the person we want to be.  Cherlyn talks about not feeling good enough, especially when it comes to homeschooling and taking on that new role. Lastly, she talks about how it's so easy to hide what we are really feeling and what is going on. Also, why it's important to reach out to loved ones and let them know what is going on. One point that stood out to me is when Cherlyn said you can't pour from an empty cup, rest does not equal laziness! Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did with Ann Kaplan:Are you exhausted trying to do it all?   "My Favorite Things" Segment: Are you looking to get back on track now that the kids are back into school? Maybe you didn't gain the COVID 1

  • You never know where God will take you – Amy Parker: 203

    01/09/2020 Duration: 25min

    Have you been thinking about starting something new? Going back to school, starting a side business, changing careers, maybe writing a book? Today we have author of the Night Night series Amy Parker back on the show. She shares with us how she started as an Editor at Tommy Nelson and one day as she was trying to put her young son to bed she came up with a story that would then become the Night Night Series.  The latest is Night Night Pumpkin, How to get a Mommy to Sleep, How to get a Daddy to Sleep and the Big Book of Bible Questions, a big book of factoids. Amy also shared with us her new adventure of going to Law school, even during COVID-19. We chatted about feeling called to do something and even if it seems scary to do it anyway! One topic that stood out to me is going after your dreams even if you are 40 and older, that it's never too late.  Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out my other episode with Amy Parker:Why the journey is

  • Dealing with Grief – Shelley Buck: 202

    25/08/2020 Duration: 44min

    Are you having a hard time dealing with grief lately? Today, we have Shelley Buck, wife of Frozen and Frozen 2 director Chris Buck and author of Leave Your Light On: The Musical Mantra Left Behind by an Illuminating Spirit. Shelley shares with us her story with working at Disney and meeting her husband to finding out her oldest son Ryder had cancer, to then beat it then to lose his life a few months later in a car accident! Shelley shares with us her journey with Ryder through cancer and how it strengthened and changed their mother son relationship. She mentions that she realized she had to learn how to deal with grief in constructive and profound way.  One story that stood out to me is when Shelley mentions that one thing she learned was that she needed to let the ones in her life become the people they are meant to be. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out this episode with Suzanne Banker: What to do when life feels hard "My Favori

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